
Examples Of Synthesis Essay On The Great Gatsby

1007 Words5 Pages

Chriselle Mae Salcedo
Mrs. Stele
AP Eng Lang
9 March 2023
American Dream Synthesis Essay
Does dreaming big do more harm than good? Everyone can dream big in life. It motivates people to push themselves and strive for success. Setting sights on something bigger than oneself can often lead to frustration and disappointment. The American Dream is an example of an aspiration that is far too ambitious. Although there are similarities between Fitzgerald´s vision of the American Dream and today's dream, the Great Gatsby exhibits different interpretations as one's idea of a perfect life contrasts from then to the 21st century.
The Great Gatsby reflects on how far-fetched the American Dream is by depicting the idea that people are always reaching for …show more content…

For instance, ¨Daisy seems to typify the ¨anti-American¨ dream, in that she was born into a kind of aristocracy and simply has to maintain her position, not fight for something better¨ (Source A). This reveals how the female characters in The Great Gatsby were already born rich and only married to stay wealthy. This demonstrates how as a woman, chasing after the American Dream does not fall in line with society's expectations. Additionally, ¨Myrtle, aside from Gatsby, seems to be the most ambitious in pursuit of getting more than she was given in life¨ (Source A). Mrytle´s case connects to the idea that women are not made to push boundaries as Myrtle, being the only female fighting for a more luxurious life gets killed. Some may claim that these women were allowed to do as they wish to progress economically but sources show that they eventually get put in place which opposes the new American Dream that anyone no matter the gender can make it. Similarly, as women were not expected to pursue the American Dream, so were people of other …show more content…

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