"The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton is a novel that portrays the lives of two rival gangs, the Greasers and the Socs, in a small town. The novel's main protagonists are the Greasers, including Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, and Dally Curtis. These characters show heroism throughout the novel, displaying bravery, compassion, and selflessness in various situations. Firstly, Johnny Cade is one of the most heroic characters in the novel. Despite his young age and troubled background, Johnny displays incredible bravery and selflessness when he saves children from a burning building. Johnny and Ponyboy were walking home from the movies when they saw a fire and rushed to the scene. When they arrived, they saw that a group of children were trapped inside. Without hesitation, Johnny climbed into the burning building and helped rescue the children. Unfortunately, Johnny suffered severe burns and injuries during the rescue, which ultimately led to his death. Nevertheless, Johnny's bravery and selflessness will forever be remembered by his friends and family. …show more content…
Dally's heroic act involves sacrificing his own life to save Ponyboy. After Johnny's death, Ponyboy was grief-stricken and became reckless, resulting in him being attacked by a group of Socs. Dally, who was with Ponyboy at the time, saw the attack and quickly came to his rescue. He pulled out an unloaded gun, hoping to scare the Socs away. However, the police arrived on the scene, and Dally was shot and killed. Although Dally's methods were questionable, his act of selflessness saved Ponyboy's life, showing that he was a true