
Examples Of Injustice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, we can see a clear example of injustice in the court. Equality is needed in all places no matter the person. People need to find a way to stop racism. Throughout time people have been put into slavery and have been neglected. There is injustice in this book because he is accused of someone else’s doing, is not given a fair hearing, and is attacked even though there was no evidence. First of all, there is injustice because he is accused of a crime he didn’t do. Throughout the court case, Atticus gives very clear evidence that it wasn’t Tom, but they listened to the Ewells. In the book, they say that Mayella has never seen Tom before but he claims he has HELPED her many times before and you would think that he would’ve done it before. Tom says in his testimony “that he has helped many times before” (Lee 224) and has proof for it but they don’t believe him. This goes to show that he was indeed innocent but because of who he was he was accused. Here we see that the bruises on the wrong side of his face are Tom. “ I asked her who did this and she said Tom Robinson” (Lee 190) this shows they trusted the first person they asked. Bruises were on the right side of her face, but Tom was right-handed and only hits the left side of her face. This goes to show that …show more content…

The Ewells have 3 different people to back up their case while Tom only has Atticus. The sheriff, Bob Ewell, mayella, and a family member are in the crowd. This shows that if they all give a similar story the favor will be with them indeed. He has been arrested before and if he makes one bad move he is toast. “Atticus” (Lee 190) calls out that Tom has been arrested before but has changed jerasticly since then. This means that he is under 24/7 watch on this case and he can’t do anything aggressive or sudden or he WILL be

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