Examples Of Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The time a person spends between an innocent child and a mature adult is the most important span of a human’s life. Throughout To Kill a Mockingbird Scout Finch is experiencing this critical stage of her life. Even though Scout’s journey of coming of age took place in 1930’s Alabama the central idea of society’s problems unfairly forcing children to mature and lose their innocence too early still occurs today. Innocence is a very highly valued thing in today’s society by adults. Ironically it is often these same adults and their problematic views and actions that force innocent children to mature too early in order to solve the adult’s problems. This is shown in To Kill a Mockingbird through the decisions of numerous characters who choose to …show more content…

This is what people think of when they think of innocence. Their minds go to the court cases they see on the news and all the bad crimes and trials going on in the world, but innocence means much more than this. Innocence is the quality of being pure or untainted by society. This paper will discuss the purity meaning of innocence not the state of being not guilty of a crime. In human society children are the only ones seen as being innocent, this is because they haven’t been around long enough to get hurt by society. At some point in their life every human is considered mature and forced to take on adult-like responsibilities and face actual …show more content…

Childhood is supposed to be a time of innocent exploration where children go out and have fun learning along the way. This period of carefree living is very beneficial to a child’s development both physically and mentally. When children are forced to skip this period, they are robbed of crucial development of their minds and bodies. Not to mention the lack of childhood memories that some people cherish for their whole lives. The things that would cause a child to miss this period are things like family issues and pressure to succeed. When parents expect their children to get a certain quality of grades in school or expect them to get a job at a young age, they are adding unnecessary stress to their lives. This may cause the kid to grow up too quickly in order to meet these standards. An example of family issues would be a divorce between two parents. This would add extremely high levels of stress to a kid’s life which would lead to anxiety and depression. Overall, the period of one’s life when they are coming of age is extremely important and should not be rushed by outside