Examples Of Innocent In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Night Auschwitz, the grave of millions. Sly, driven, and brutal; the Germans who planned and executed Auschwitz, and many other death camps in relation to Hitler's rules. Looking back at history the reader understands that the Jewish people were not being naive.
Innocence is a word commonly referencing a person or thing that is pure and harmless. In Elie Wiesel’s story, “Night,” Moshe the Beadle, tries warning his home the German’s are there to harm them. However, no one believed him as the Germans were, “distant but friendly.” Innocents are portrayed again as Elie’s father says, “The yellow star? So what? It’s not lethal…”
Although, in the story, innocents is portrayed evil is also portrayed. In chapter seven of “Night” Wiesel explains