
Examples Of Integrity In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Integrity is about being honest and doing what’s morally right; even when no one is watching you for it. The population of people with integrity is getting smaller by the day but the people who still have this trait are the people who make this world a better place. In Harper Lee’s novel To kill A Mockingbird integrity is a common trait which very few people seem to have but for the few people who does obtain this trait are the ones making a positive change towards racism.
Atticus Finch is a man of integrity. He is defending Tom Robinson because he knows the man is wrongly convicted. In that time, any other white person would want Tom to go to jail since he’s black. There are only a handful amount of white people who would see Tom as a person …show more content…

He is found guilty because he apparently killed a white man’s daughter. Tom is convicted because he was black and for unluckily being alive in the 1930’s when stereotypes against black people would not help them in court. The people who lack integrity are eager and ready to place the blame on anyone but themselves, and they are usually doing so because they themselves are the real guilty party and doesn’t want to be caught. During the trial, Tom Robinson’s side of the story never changes once, and he never has to think about his answers. Whereas, both Bob and Mayella change their stories constantly making them think carefully before answering any questions. Link Deas was one person who could support Tom Robinson as being a man of integrity, having worked for him for a while. Bob and Mayella both tell their views of what happened, repeating themselves often trying to get the crowd and jury to believe their side of the story. They are both trying to convince themselves, as well as others. Tom states his story only once since his innocence gives him no reason to lie or get the crowd riled up. People of integrity don’t show any signs of falsehood and only have to state their side once because inside they know they’re right. Tom, a person of integrity, is the victim of this

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