Examples Of Intolerance In The 1920s

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One group who experienced intolerance in the 1920s were African Americans. The main type of intolerance that they experienced was racism. An example being the Ku Klux Klan. This organisation was extremely racist and opposed the dismantling of slavery (Source: khanacademy.org ). Their goal was to maintain the racial hierarchy that existed prior to slavery being dismantled and overthrowing the Republican state governments located in the South (Source: khanacademy.org ). Around the year 1915, a history teacher at Lanier College named William Simmons arranged a secret gathering on Stone Mountain during Thanksgiving day (Source: ushistory.org ). While the sun set, the participants of the gathering gathered together around a burning cross and made a promise to reinstill white supremacy (Source: ushistory.org ). After that, the KKK took its time and grew slowly, having around five thousand members in 1920 (Source: ushistory.org ). Fortunately for them, Elizabeth Tyler and Edward Y. Clarke used their professional fundraising experience to increase the KKK’s numbers (Source: ushistory.org ). They sold a plethora of KKK merchandise with examples such as the infamous hood and robes (Source: ushistory.org ). Simmons was also credited in almost all of the KKK’s terminologies such as the local chapters being …show more content…

Whereas protestant ministers, Catholic priests and Jewish rabbis stepped forward to express their disapproval of the organisation both clearly and forcefully (Source: khanacademy.org ). Soon enough, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was formed. It was at the forefront of efforts to educate the public about the threat the KKK posed (Source: khanacademy.org ). This changed many people’s lives as now, the anti-Klan activism had caused the organisation’s membership to decline dramatically around the late 1920s (Source: khanacademy.org