Examples Of Jay Gatsby A Hemingway Hero

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Ernest Hemingway's works usually revolve around a character type called the “Hemingway Hero”. The "Hemingway Hero" usually shows no emotion and faces death in most of his works. One character considered a “Hemingway Hero” is Santiago from "Old Man and The Sea". One question is would Hemingway consider Jay Gatsby a "Hemingway Hero"? Does he follow Hemingway's standards of a hero? The purpose of this paper is to describe how Santiago is an ideal representation of a "Hemingway Hero" and if Jay Gatsby would be considered one based on Santiago. First, what exactly is a “Hemingway Hero"? The “Hemingway Hero" are "figures who try to follow a hyper-masculine moral code and make sense of the world through those beliefs” (Hemingway Code Hero). They …show more content…

Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby". He is a man who wasn't raised into wealth and earned his wealth. One question is would Jay Gatsby be considered a "Hemingway Hero"? While he doesn't display some of the same qualities as Santiago did, I still think that Hemingway would consider Gatsby a "Hemingway Hero". I think that Gatsby would be a "Hemingway Hero" in Hemingway's eyes, even with some of his negative qualities because he shows individualism, determination, and courage. Gatsby shows a sense of individualism by being focused on his own goals and desires and not being swayed by the public opinions or expectations of society just like Santiago did. Despite being extremely wealthy and having a lot of power, he remained humble and displayed a strong belief in using hard work to obtain wealth, unlike the others that had wealth and power. Gatsby shows strong determination by doing anything to gain Daisy Buchanan's love. This includes throwing huge parties in the hopes that she shows up. He also shows determination in his rise to wealth and power. Gatsby would work hard to obtain wealth. Gatsby showed courage by being willing to sacrifice everything for his love of Daisy. One example is when Gatsby offered to take the blame for the murder of Myrtle after Daisy hit her while driving his car. While Gatsby showed some characteristics of a “Hemingway Hero”, there are some main characteristics he falls short of such as self-reliance