
Examples Of Jude In The Cruel Prince By Holly Black

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From The Hunger Games to Romeo and Juliet, all works of literature have conflicts. The novel The Cruel Prince by Holly Black, is about the main character, Jude, a human living in the Faerie world. As a young girl, her parents are killed by Madoc, her half-sister’s biological father. Then, Madoc takes Jude and her sisters from their home, to the Faerie world, where he raises the girls. Jude is not a faerie so this causes many problems for her. Jude and the other characters encounter a wide range of conflicts over the course of the novel. The conflicts are categorized as man versus society, man versus supernatural, and man versus man. One type of conflict Jude faces, man versus society, Jude has struggled her entire life with faeries not respecting …show more content…

The first struggle comes about when Madoc’s wife, Orianna, does not let her son, Oak, spend time with Jude. Jude and Orianna do not have a good relationship, but Oak is Jude’s brother. Orinanna not trusting Jude to be around Oak is hurtful to Jude. Jude confronts Orianna and says, “Why don’t you ever trust me with him?...I’m not a monster! I’ve never done anything to either of you” (Black 147). Orianna and Jude are frustrated with each other and Orianna is just trying to protect her son, there is nothing that she needs to protect Oak from when it comes to Jude. Another man versus man conflict Jude experiences is her rivalry with Cardan, one of the king’s sons. Cardan has always had the upper hand, as the prince, and Jude recognizes it, but she will not just let him win like Cardan thinks she should. Jude stands up to Cardan and tells him she will not back down. Jude says, “I am going to keep defying you. I am going to shame you with my defiance. You remind me that I am a mere mortal and you are a prince of Faerie. Well, let me remind you that means you have much to lose and I have nothing. You may win in the end, you may enscroll me and hurt me and humiliate me, but I will make sure you lose everything I can take from you on the way down” (Black 76-77). Cardan has always held on to the idea that he is superior, but Jude will not let him defeat her unless he breaks down in the process, too. Therefore, Jude struggles with different characters for different reasons, but they are both man versus man

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