
Carter Kane Hardships

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Carter Kane has to go though many hardship in his life. Carter Kane fought with all his might between fighting himself, nature, and enemies that are centuries older than him.Carter was able to overcome all of his challenges to save the world with the help of his sister Sadie and his unlike friends.
Carter had to go against many people just to get to the big boss even those who were ones on his side and were helping him to those who just wanted to make him stronger so he doesn't always have to rely on others. Carter had to fight his was cross of the world against magicians that could be using their resources to get rid of the true enemy. The true enemy a century old god hiding inside their father’s body causing mayhem wherever he goes. A …show more content…

Set the true enemy made a hurricane of problems for the kane family from a massive storm that could take out the world to killer dogs that could climb walls and every footstep of fire leading a trail of where it has been. Fearing for his life carter had to adapted and learned a new skill on the fly as he was being chased by the killer dog to save his new friends and sister. He was able to make a pocket in space only to his command. He was able to trap the killer dog that could not be killed with any plans to stop it but he was able to trap it as he was able to unlock this ability. On the journey to save his father Carter and the gang had to travel far and wide to get to his father. “ Far, far below, red liquid bubbled. Blood? Lava? Evil ketchup? None of the possibilities were good.” (Rick Riordan, The Red Pyramid) he had to cross a river of despair and sorrow of lost souls in a boat breaking apart at the seem, one wrong step and instant death will fall …show more content…

A boy that had no one other then this father but when his dad get possessed and he has to go save his life with the help of his sister that he hasn't see for years after the death of their mother. Carter and Sadie were able to reconnect much easier then him and his new uncle with the pet monkey and crocodile. Unlike friend that Carter was able to come across was the one that stole his heart, Zia Rashid the young magician that would later be discovered to be the vassal of Nephthys the wife of the enemy. Before Carter and the gang find out the truth of Zia he fell in love with her strength and her courage. Carter had to fight his inner nerd and awkward to not make a fool of himself in front of the girl he wanted to impress. Zia could see that Carter was more then he seemed. She saw the improvement and evolution of the Kane children and the most of Carter from a weak little boy to a strong mentally and physically little man. “ it takes strength and courage to admit the truth” (rick Riordan, The Red Pyramid) Zia said to Carter after he confessed his feeling for her as she was on the break of dying but was saved from the bravy of Carter to save her from the chaos god

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