Examples Of Loneliness In Cathedral

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Why did I name this alienation and loneliness? Well if you guys don’t already know alienation is the state of being isolated from a group or activity which everyone should be involved, and therefore loneliness is a place of quality of being unfrequented and remorses isolation. Are you still curious why such a harsh title? Well you’ll soon figure it out! The narrator and the characters portray hardships, isolation within themselves, and at a point poverty which comes with sadness. To begin, in cathedral; there was multiple of things going on. The one thing I kept in deep thought was the separation between the blindman(Roger) and his wife beulah and the hardship roger had to go through in the loss of his dear wife. He soon along the way …show more content…

And we all have feelings it doesn’t matter if we are different put all those differences to the side let anyone be who they decide to be. I personally feel like the man was being judged by others and he felt like he rather be alone. He’s portraying the narrator and his life along his life living and his journey or you could call them adventures. I feel like we never really pay attention to what the narrator has to say most of us think behind a story lies nothing but behind every book lies million of stories and lessons to be discovered just like us human we have so much life to live and so many stories left unread and unfinished waiting to figure out who we ourselves lie out to be. Like the blindman he had a story and it’s being told from a book whether it be the narrator in real life and what he’s gone through or a story. The blindman lost his wife beulah and she never got a single compliment but she loved him very dearly they were …show more content…

This quote summed it all up it said "So we kept on with it. His fingers rode my fingers as my hand went over the paper. It was like nothing else in my life up to now.Then he said, 'I think that's it. I think you got it,' he said. 'Take a look. What do you think?'But I had my eyes closed. I thought I'd keep them that way for a little longer. I thought it was something I ought to do.'Well?' he said. 'Are you looking?'My eyes were still closed. I was in my house. I knew that. But I didn't feel like I was inside anything. The blind was being freed from all his then and right there he realized that he had been trapped and alone trapped himself in the walls of his life and house, and ignoring that there was a greater freedom of not being "inside anything" was available to him. So he took a step forward by no longer caring and just simply looking at the life that surrounds him, he allows himself to 'see' the greater