Examples Of Loyalty In Macbeth

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The story Macbeth directly scripted from the play of 1606 is a drama felt book from times long ago.A general named Macbeth that is Scottish (being his is from Scotland) had got a prophecy from these three witches telling him he would one day be King of Scotland. Macduff is the Thane of Fife he suspects Macbeth of killing the King and then ends up killing Macbeth in the last act. Macduff is often sought out to be loyal, emotional and brave which shaped the ending of the story. Macduff is a very loyal character in Macbeth. "Boundless impertinence in nature is a tyranny; it hath been the untimely employing on the happy throne , and fall of many kings. (4.3.76) Malcolm …show more content…

It shows how loyal Macduff is to his country to leave his family for it. This actually shows a great example of Nationalism. Macduff was a man of not may words and a greatg example of his loyakl to tyhat is when nhe mentionedm “ I have no words; My voice is my sword” (5.8.185). Macduff is loyal to his actions and is not all talk. Macduff is a man of …show more content…

Macduffs family was killed bys Macbeth. “All my pretty ones? Did you say all? O hell-kite! All? What, all my pretty chickens and their dam” (4.3.255) Macduff is obviously hurt by the death of his family. Malcolm told MAcduff to man up about his family beibng assassinated but Macduff being the emotionol MAN he is said he’s feel it as a man. Usually the women in this time the charcters loived in were the more emotional beings but Macduff wasnt going to let the thought slide by being those were people he tuly cared about. Back in Act 2 when KIng Duncan was killed, Macduff showed a complete act of sorrow for his King. You could say this was a showing of Loyalty and Emotion considering he stopped Lady Macbe th from witnessing the heart gouching scene. “O gentle lady, / 'Tis not for you to hear what I can speak…” (2.3.60) Lady Macbeth is a diufferent kind of women though. She really wants to b e unisex so she can be ruthless as a women and Macduff automatically veiwed her wrong as an individual because she is of female