
Examples Of Macbeth's Transformation

475 Words2 Pages
Andy De La Rosa
Ms. Powell
22 February 2023
Macbeth Transformation

One of the traits that Macbeth has is loyalty. At the beginning Macbeth was and seemed loyal to King Ducan. He was very grateful to be by the king’s side and doesn’t need anything or be rewarded, for example,"The service and the loyalty I owe in doing it pays itself.”(I.iv.23-24). He would have been like this for the rest if he didn’t meet the witches with Banquo. The witches were kind of the reason why Macbeth turned out the way he did since he was very loyal to King Duncan.
Another trait that Macbeth has is that he is easily manipulated. Once the witches told him that he will be the new thane of Cador and he will be king, he didn’t believe them until a messenger told
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