
Examples Of Manipulation In The Handmaid's Tale

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Wash Yourself From Brainwash: 1984 1984 is the dystopian novel that inspired Margaret Atwood to write The Handmaid's Tale. George Orwell, the author of 1984, reflects on different aspects of society during this time. He described how the Party used its power to influence the people of Oceania from the Party's life perspective. The Party manipulates its members into thinking there is no past shown through the thoughts of the main character, Winston, from the beginning to the end. 1984 demonstrates the ownership of one’s body and conscience by terminating privacy, act of conformity, and the need to control people at all costs. The Party uses manipulation to take away its member's privacy. At the beginning of 1984, it is revealed to the readers …show more content…

Winston despises the Party because it has persuaded people that their feelings and impulses are not valuable. He wishes he was one of the Proles, the lowest level of society. The Party did not bother with the Proles, and the Proles were not conscious of what was happening in society. Winston explains to Julia how “' [the] proles are human beings,' he said aloud. 'We are not human'” (165). Winston realizes that the Party has taken away all of its member's humanity. The Proles still have emotions and feelings, but the Party members have been reprogrammed to not. Becoming unwomen in Gilead is the same as being the Proles in a way by not being a part of Gilead’s government. Once Winston is eventually caught due to his rebellious acts with Julia, he is sent to the Ministry of Love. While in his cell, he observes the other criminals around him. He notices a man dying of starvation being sent to Room 101 by an officer while the man screams, “[you] can take the lot of them and cut their throats in front of my eyes, and I'll stand by and watch it. But not Room 101!'” (237). The Party’s ability was so powerful that they were able to get information out of anyone and even sacrifice the people they love. This man is willing to watch his own family die in front of him instead of being sent to room 101. Gilead and Oceania both use fear and violence to make their citizens obey them. Gilead's hanging wall is a constant everyday reminder to society that this is what happens when one rebels. It is used as a strategy to scare their people into never going against them. Oceania uses room 101 as a fear tactic, as it is every individual's biggest fear. At this part of the book, O’Brien informs Winston that he does not exist and is in training to see and think as the Party wants him to. Winston shares how he would rather die than go through this torture. However, the Party does “...not merely

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