Examples Of Material Culture In My Life

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Material culture in my world/life are the things or physical objects that are part of my everyday life whereas the non-material is how I either perceive those things to be, have certain beliefs about them/what they represent and the importance/value I or my culture places on them. By way of example, the following are material objects in my culture and I have outlined the associated non-material culture (values and beliefs). The first object is a job. In the US, to secure a job after school/college is an expected part of the culture, as it is in Ireland where I grew up. There is a high value placed on being gainfully employed and to be a contributing member of society. As a female, if asked, would I marry someone who is unemployed, my answer would be no. Why? Because my belief if that person has no drive or is lazy. Clearly I am generalizing as there may be a multiple of reasons why someone is not employed however general perception is that if one truly wants to get a job they can (what that job is/how much it is paid is another question). Second is Religion. Religion is part of my culture and will influence how I live my life. The teachings of my religion dictate attending a church, a physical space on a weekly basis, and will heavily influence how I behave or respond to situations, what I view as acceptable/unacceptable and right and wrong. It will also influence for example days I need to take of work if it is not recognized in the workplace i.e. Easter is not

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