
Examples Of Maturity In Night By Elie Wiesel

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According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, maturity means having reached the most advanced stage in a process. In Night, a memoir by Elie Wiese, Eliezer is taken to a concentration camp at an early age for the majority of his youth. In this camp, he was forced to mature fast and faced many hardships that shaped and molded his identity to make him the person he grew up to be. By the end of the book, you can't even recognize him as the little boy from Romania.In Night, Wiesel demonstrates how the challenges he went through matured him into the man he became. In the beginning of this novel, Wiesel is this sweet innocent boy who holds the door open at church and shares his toys. But as the novel progresses, he starts to lose that sweet nature of himself when faced with his struggle to endure the hardships of the camps. “He had felt his father growing weaker and, believing that the end was near, had thought by this separation to free himself of a burden that could diminish his own chance for Survival.” on page 91. The living conditions in these camps were atrocious and were almost impossible to survive. It's in our human nature to do anything to …show more content…

He studied the Torah and took lessons from the local town preacher, Moishe. He had the largest bundle of love for god a kid could have. But at the age of 15, he got sent to a concentration camp. “Blessed be God's name? Why, but why would I bless Him? Every fiber in me rebelled. Because He caused thousands of children to burn in His mass graves? Page 64. His faith in our god got replaced by a terrifying faith in hitler because at least Hitler was keeping up with his promises to the jewish people. It must have been very hard to go through all this and feel that God, the one who you trusted and loved the most, was leaving you alone in your darkest moment. This forced him to start solely relying on himself which was very

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