
Examples Of Mental Illness In Macbeth

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Psychological Disorder in Shakespeare's Play
Derrick Newby
English IV
Mrs. Guinn

Lady Macbeth has Schizophrenia and its going to explain why she has and why we think she has it and will provide evidence as to why they think she does. The evidence that will be provided will be from treatment done in the past and present and how it could have changed the outcome of my character, Lady Macbeth. The paper will contain all valid evidence do to the disorder of Lady Macbeth. The disorder that will be evaluated in this paper is Schizophrenia. This disorder can affect the way you think, the way they will act and some may have trouble distinguishing what is real and what is imaginary. Which relates back to when Lady Macbeth thought she saw blood on her hand and was freaking out trying to get it off. All of this information will be analyzed in this research paper. It will explain how and why she has or is being investigated for this common disorder. {Keyword}- [Schizophrenia, Lady Macbeth, disorder, mentally ill, insane,]

Psychological Disorder in Shakespeare's Play
“My good fortune is not that I’ve recovered from mental illness. I …show more content…

They will also show signs of depression and and anxiety do to the disorder they have. Most of the time people with schizophrenia will try to abuse drugs and alcohol to try and get away from their problems. But little do they know all that it does is makes the symptoms worse. These actions will soon result in the victim showing signs of being very aggressive and change in behavior. Some studies say that it will cause people to have trouble attending work or for younger school, which will then relate to forms of depression and then the victim causing

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