How Does Iago Show Mental Illness In Othello

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Mental disorders are a common occurrence that afflicts many people. In the play “Othello” the character Iago shows signs of a mental disorder that is also exhibited in many people today. One of the worst has to be Schizophrenia due to the effect it has on everyday people. Shakespeare shows Schizophrenia through his character Iago. Shakespeare shows through his character Iago the problems that go with the disorder known as Schizophrenia. Iago on several occasions shows signs that he could be suffering from this disorder. The paranoia and unwavering suspicion Iago has around the notion that Othello has bedded his wife are signs of Schizophrenia. The disorder causes people to believe that someone is after them or doing things to hurt them with no regard. An example of this is a man who believes that the world is out to get him. He will almost always show signs of the disorder through his actions. He will be suspicious of everyone and even have rage or anger towards others because of his fear that everyone is out to get him and hurt him. A person with this disorder will see everyone as the enemy. …show more content…

He achieves this by telling Othello that his wife is cheating on him and even placing a handkerchief of Othello's wife in Cassio's room which will lead Othello to believe his wife is cheating on him. Iago's actions surrounding the handkerchief display his paranoia and are a means to protect himself from Othello. People with Schizophrenia often use protective mechanisms and in doing so will hurt others to protect themselves. An example of this is a person who will lie and cheat to make sure that someone they fear will hurt them, loses everything and has no strength left to retaliate. People with this disorder believe that they are protecting themselves when they engage in these

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