Examples Of Mina In Dracula

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This contrasts with Mina in Bram Stokers Dracula. Mina is described to have “a man’s brain- a bran that a man should have were he gifted- and a woman’s heart”, ‘a man’s brain’ shows how Mina has power, but only because she is as intelligent as a man is. Without this intelligence she would not have this power and respect, she would be another passive ‘maiden’- like Poe’s Annabel Lee and Eulalie. Critic Bailey Knotts says, “Men were expected to have some education; whereas it was not important for women”, this agrees with my point about education being a doorway to power for women in the 19th century because it puts them on the same level as a man and therefore helps them gain the same power as men. Mina’s intelligence is greatly admired and helpful throughout Dracula, an example of this is when she finds Lucy, the quote “Dressing-gown would mean house; dress, outside” shows this. Mina uses her common sense and intellect to try to find Lucy. This is an example of Mina being an intelligent woman to not only help people but she also gains power through this. Unlike Poe’s women, Mina is not just a simple and beautiful ‘maiden’. Instead, she is rational and intelligent because she is able to understand what Lucy would be wearing to know how to find her. In contrast to …show more content…

In Tigers Bride the woman is the one in control. She is in charge and is presented as very intelligent. When asked to show him her body she responds in a very rational way. “But there must be a sheet over my face- to hide it”, the fact she wants a sheet over her head debases is desires, this makes intelligent because it shows she can recognise and argue with his intentions, in contrast to Annabel lee she is not passive. Her intellectual respect is still intact. The fact that she wants “no lights” shows how she is taking away his power by taking away her physical appearance. This way the man cannot take her mental