Examples Of Normalization In 1984

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In both the live’s of American children and the children in 1984, the desensitization and normalization of violence revokes their ability to feel empathy towards others, creating a desire for a violence and a misunderstanding of its toll on the victim.
In both 1984 and present day, children are desensitized to violence, which creates a craving for violence and a lack of empathy towards their victims. Throughout 1984, citizens are vaporized, killed, and hanged and children seem to enjoy it. For example, before a public hanging of war criminals, Mrs. Parsons will not allow her children to watch the hanging, in response they start to chant “Want to see the hanging!” (23). As shown, the children are desensitized to the violence within their culture, …show more content…

Vaporization is issued multiple times throughout the book by Winston, and is an intimidation factor from the government to control the people's thoughts and prevent their unloyalty. Since vaporization became normal throughout their community, it also became a part of the kid’s lives and made its way into their games. For example, as Winston is assisting the Parsons with their broken pipe, he witnesses children playing together. One of the children playing exclaims, “You're a thought-criminal! You're a Eurasian spy! I'll shoot you, I'll vaporize you, I'll send you to the salt mines!” (23). The children joking around about vaporization depict the abundance of it within their culture and their desensitization to it. Similar to the world of 1984, American children incorporate violence into their games too. In a new article published by the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, it explains that children exposed to violent media are desensitized to it, which leads them to have more violent behaviors with friends because they are unable to empathize with their victim (Beresin). As children in both our world and the world of 1984 become desensitized to violence, which then brings violence into their actions, their actions as they grow up will become more and more violent