
Examples Of Nurturing In Frankenstein

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The theme of nurturing, or how the environment contributes to a person's character , is flooding throughout the novel. With the turn of every single page, we dive deeper into the examples of nurturing which contrast with Victors lack of parental role with his “ child” aka the creature. Mary Shelley's description of victor's model parents contrasts with his infatuation to create the creature known as frankenstein. Margarets correspondence with Walton at the beginning of the novel also compares with shelley's description of victor's home life: both of these men were surrounded by caring nurturing individuals who considered the wellbeing of their loved ones at all times. Predictably Walton's ambition to conquer the unknown moves him, like it does victor further away from civilization and closer to feelings of …show more content…

He realizes that everyone needs guidance by someone who can nurture them into becoming a functional member of society. Other examples of nurturing throughout the novel Caroline nurturing Elizabeth back to health and loses her own life in result. Clerval nurtures victor through his illness when he is in desperate need of a caretaker after the creature is brought to life. The De LAceys nurturing home becomes a model for the creature, as he begins to return their love in ways the family cannot even comprehend. For instance, the creature stopped stealing the De Laceys food after realizing that the family was in poverty and their financial situation was and in sympathy, he left firewood for the family to reduce Felix's chores. Each nurturing act contrasts strongly with Victor’s gross neglect of the creatures needs.By showing the affections between Caroline Frankenstein and her adopted daughters Elizabeth and Justine, Shelley suggests that a child does not need to have biological ties to a parent to deserve an immense amount of love and

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