Examples Of Odysseus As A Greek Hero

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Homer’s The Odyssey highlights Odysseus as a hero. However, does he deserve such a title? What gives Odysseus the right to an honer like that? Well, to answer this question, his actions and motives need to be analyzed. Then and only then, can the discussion be made on whether he is a Greek hero and if he can still be considered a hero.

First off, a definition for a Greek hero must be given. A Greek hero is often defined as,” A larger-than-life man embodies national, cultural, and/or religious beliefs who goes on an adventure often requiring superhuman strength and divine intervention.” Let’s examine Odysseus compared to this.

Through out the story, Odysseus demonstrated the value arete. For instance, when Odysseus and his crew are trapped by Polyphemos , Odysseus uses intelligence and strength to trick Polyphemos into drinking the wine. Then, he removes his eye causing he to move the stone in front of the door allowing them to escape the cave.(Book 9, 345-405) Later in the story, he plots to fight the suitors after willing Penelope's competition. He then successfully completes his plan effectively winning back Penelope and kill the suitors.(Book 21, 365-430)(book 22, 1-130) In this way, he fulfills the first requirement for a hero as he embodies national, cultural, and/or religious belief. …show more content…

So, it is time to decide if he fits is the final criteria. In the beginning of the story, Odysseus is helped by the goddess Athena is his removal from Kalypso’s island. (book 5,20-30) She continues this through out the story. With this, Odysseus has meet the definition of Greek hero and cements himself as a man worthy of such a title in the days of the ancient