
Examples Of Odysseus Leadership

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Lastly, Odysseus and I share the character trait of leadership. In this excerpt from the book, Odysseus is talking to the swineherd, Eumaeus, and the cowherd, Philoetius. He is questioning the men about their loyalty to the king, Odysseus, that has been gone for 20 years. Odysseus told them that he was the king and they worshiped at his feet. He is telling people how they can help win his wife back and restore his place as king. He describes the plan to them saying, “Eumaeus, bring the bow and put it in my hands there at the door. Tell the women to lock their own door tight. Tell them if someone hears the shock of arms or groans of men, in hall or court, not one must show her face, but keep still at her weaving. Philoetius, run to the outer gate and lock it. …show more content…

This relates to leadership because he is taking charge and is leading people by telling them what to do. Another example of leadership is when Odysseus is giving the men a pep talk before they fight Scylla, a six headed beast. The men are scared and he is encouraging them not to be scared. While in the cave Odysseus says, “Heads up lads! We must obey the orders as I give them. Get the oarshafts in your hands, and lay back hard on your benches; hit these breaking seas...You at the tiller, listen, and take in all that I say- the rudders are your duty; keep her out of the combers and the smoke; steer for that headland; watch the drift, or we fetch up in the smother, and you drown us.” (934). In this quote he is telling the guys on the ship that they can’t be scared of what might come to them. He is showing leadership in these parts of the book, I also show leadership most days. I am on student council; in student council I have a say in things that happen around the school to the student and what happens with activities. On the back of our sweatshirt there is a saying, it says, be the leader you would follow. This shows that to be a good leader, you have to be a good

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