Examples Of Paranoia In 1984

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How is paranoia achieved in Oceania? It is important for the inner party to keep people of Oceania in a state of paranoia. How is this achieved? Why is this so vital to the party's system of control? Throughout Oceania, Paranoia is portrayed which causes anxiety and fear among the people. The anxiety and fear brought into the city can make the population to easier to control. The party uses things such as military propaganda, posters of Big Brother, telescreens, and numerous security cameras to prove to the people that they are constantly being watched, which puts fear into all lives. Throughout the book 1984, numerous people are executed because of doing things that the party would not allow, and other words would be considered unorthodox. The citizens of Oceania continuously fear doing anything that could possibly be considered unorthodox, because any misbehavior could lead to jail and then death. Not only does the party use execution as a way of gaining control over people, but throughout the city, bombs are dropped as a one way to create a dangerous …show more content…

The Junior Spies and Thought Police is a perfect example because no one knows who was and who was not a member of those institutions. Big Brother does exist as the embodiment of the Party, but he can never die. Big Brother is aptly named for his position in Oceania — a name of trust, protection, and affection — another example of doublethink. Big Brother, or, the Party, is as unlike a benevolent big brother as Hitler or Stalin (cliffnotes.com). In conclusion, it is crucial that people are very careful about who they talk too, and what they do around things they are unsure of, because just when they thought someone was a friend, they could potentially be a Thought Police, or just when they thought the sign on the wall was Big Brother, it was actually watching every move they