Examples Of Partisanship

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As has been thoroughly established, the problem in America doesn’t appear to be related to the recent increase in partisanship. If the partisan argument were sufficient, it would suggest gridlock would occur in countries that also possess this same principle. What has been proven though is that this is not the case in other parts of the world, and instead quite the contrary often occurs. A new answer must be formulated to answer the question as to what is causing the consistency in America’s dissent and inefficiency. What appears to be the case is that rather than the actual, tangible partisanship being the problem, it is instead a lower tolerance for partisanship that America possesses. The correct way to assess the dysfunction of recent years in American government, is that …show more content…

In a second evaluation of the Canadian parliamentary, a direct comparison can be made with the presidential system in America. At moderate levels of partisanship, the functionality of both systems of government appear to be the same. This was evident in the decades preceding Obama’s rule where legislation was often able to be passed with compromise reached among both of the parties. As partisanship increases, the parliamentary government continues to function with the same efficiency – because of their structures, parliamentary systems are relatively gridlock-proof. The America system on the other hand, does not continue to mirror the parliamentary pattern. Rather, extreme partisanship