
Examples Of Perfection In The Giver

444 Words2 Pages
Red Apple

“Perfection is never reachable” If we began to examine every effort in people, almost 99% of all humans try at least one occasion to grant perfection level. By the way, I'm just referring to the percentage as a one-time occasion, but then we have the other percentage of humans who tried every day to be as perfect as our God, which is wrong, if we tried more and push ourselves to be greater by altering us more just to get a "perfect" grade, isn't worth it.
But in the image I created I'm not referring the apple as homework, I'm representing it as us, the human race. In the novel The Giver by Lois Lowry, she originates another definition of perfection, were in the chapters mean without feelings, not logic, and without the capability
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