The Importance Of Being Perfect In Today's Society

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Today’s society is about who’s on top and being better than everyone else. Everyone is always trying to be better for the sake of popularity. Children are growing up thinking that being normal is bad and that is unacceptable. Teenagers are committing suicide daily because of bullying about being who they are. Celebrities are trying to promote themselves by posting “false” pictures of them being “happy.” Perfection is not a real thing, if you are happy with your life, that 's perfect enough. There are many factors that go into not being perfect such as, bullying, suicide and mental illness, and also there are many types of perfections.
Not to have a stereotype or anything, but there are different types of perfection to different cultures. For example, in an asian culture, you have to go into the medical field or have something that involves being in school for a long time. Also, in the asian culture, you can not fail a test or quiz. That puts a lot of stress and anxiety on the child due to trying to make their parents happy. It is very hard now a days to get all A’s in school and come out being “perfect. In a Indian culture, you have to have an arranged marriage, for someone who is gay, that can have a very big impact on the family. Someone who is trying to be okay with their own sexuality is being put down by their family due to the standards. It is pretty difficult being a teenager in this society.
According to the New York Post, bully victims are more likely to be female