Political Ideology Essay

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Political Ideology Politics is a topic that incites deep rooted feelings due to opposing ideologies. As defined by our Govt9 textbook, our ideology is a system of political ideas that are rooted in religious or philosophical beliefs concerning human nature, society, and government. By definition, to oppose someone else’s ideology is to oppose their belief system, which is why it is such a sensitive subject. Political ideology encompasses an array of subjects such as abortion, guns rights, marijuana legalization, etc. Based on your set of political beliefs you’ll fall into one of the common ideological categories of conservatism (republican party), liberalism (democratic party), moderate (either political party), socialism (democratic party) or libertarianism (republican party). Based on my belief system I categorize myself as a liberal due to my economic view, stance on marijuana legalization, gay marriage and the death penalty. Conservatives generally favor big tax cuts and limiting government programs that aid individuals economically. They are constantly pushing for massive tax cuts which on the surface seems like an outstanding idea to stimulate economic growth. These cuts are mainly for wealthy individuals that own companies with the mindset being that lowering their taxes will create industry and provide more jobs; essentially a ‘trickle-down’ effect. Contrary to that belief, it has not resulted in economic growth, but has increased the national deficit while the