
Examples Of Power In Animal Farm By George Orwell

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Power can have many effects on how we think and act, it can save and corrupt. The competence can surge through your mind and lead you to do great things, but it can also make you go back on your word and abuse the control you have. It can dominate your mind so that you cannot think of anything else but the sovereignty you have and the ascendancy you possess. Once you get a taste of power it poisons your whole body and there is no antidote to the horrific poison. You are no longer the person you once were, and the person you will become is unsure. The only thing that matters is the person you are now and what you will do next. The hunger for power will beleaguer every move you make and every thought that comes into your head. As a method of defining character and evolving the …show more content…

In the first chapter of Animal Farm, it begins with drunken Mr. Jones coming home to the farm after going to the tavern to drink. After the lights go out in the bedroom, the animals start to stir and start a furor about Old Major. Word has gone around that he has had a strange dream and they were to meet in the big barn for a meeting. It is at this meeting that George Orwell uses the character’s actions and seating choices to apply foreshadowing to what the animals will become later in the novel. The order that the animals come into the barn delineates the future characteristics that are manifested later in the novel. For example, “First came the three dogs, Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher, and then the pigs, who settled down in the straw immediately in front of the platform.”(4). The first part of foreshadowing shown in this statement is the dogs leading the pigs into the barn.

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