Examples Of Premonition In Abraham Lincoln

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Premonition Premonitions, visions, or seeing into the future. Three days before his death President Abraham Lincoln had a dream in which he foresaw his assassination in detail. President Lincoln told his wife and a few friends, one of them being Ward H. Lamon, about his nightmare according to Lamon President Lincoln dreamt that he was alone and could hear many people crying. In this dream, Abe followed the sounds of the mourning people and everywhere he searched they could not be found, and they were unseen by the naked eye to him. The cries took him to a corpse crowded around by soldiers. Abraham told Ward that in his nightmare, he questioned a soldier. He asked him who had passed away, and the soldier answered that it was the president. …show more content…

In the dream, the wind and rain were hammering the windows. She had been startled by the dream and immediately awoke her husband to tell him about the dream, but her husband claimed the dream was "silly, " and she should forget it and go back to sleep. Amanda still fearing what might happen because of her dream went and retrieved her child from its crib and brought it back to her bed to sleep with her. Soon after Amanda went back to sleep a loud crash woke her up, so she and her husband rushed back to the nursery only come to find out the chandelier had fallen and destroyed the crib, the clock read 4:35, and the wind and rain were howling outside the house (Fawn, 2013). The possibilities are endless and could lead to disasters if a premonition were not taken seriously. There are many examples on The Huffington Post of the dire consequences of ignoring premonitions. One of the many examples is a doctor named Fawn who began experiencing premonitions of the death of his baby long before the baby was even born. Soon after the baby was born the mother of the baby decided to take a trip to visit with her parents, and that would consider flying to get there. On the way to the airport, Fawn heard a voice similar to his saying "Take a good look this is the last time you will see him". Thinking nothing of the voice, he let his wife and child board the plane. On the way, out of the airport when Dawn was walking to his car the voice said again "Go back and get your son," Dawn again ignored the voice and continued home. The next morning Dawn's wife called him crying hysterically telling him that their child had passed away. Fawn clearly sees now that if he perhaps would have listened to his heart, many mishaps could have been prevented. I think that in life if you just follow your heart