Examples Of Preschool Observation

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For my preschool observation, I went to little jungle childcare center in Fargo, North Dakota. I knew about this childcare facility, because I have been working there for about seven months. It was truly a different experience to take my break earlier in the day and just observe the class that I usually work in. Through observations, I was able to actually think about why the room is set up the way it is, watch how students and teachers listen and talk to each other, and think about why we do some of the assessment that we do with the kids. Description of the Classroom At Little Jungle Care Child Center, every classroom is themed with a different animal from the jungle. I got to observe the lion room, which is an room for 4 year olds. Walking into the room, it is noticeable to see that the theme is a jungle. The curtains on the windows are tropical, the abc’s on the wall has an animal for almost every letter and there is cut outs of lion heads with each child name and birthday on them. Along with the jungle theme, the room is set up in a very inviting arrangement. When you walk in there is an announcement board that had the daily meals posted, upcoming events, a color chart, and the color, shape, and letters of the month. As you edge your way into the classroom, there is an rug area set up with a calendar of the days of the week, month of the year, and the weather report. Then as you keep going into the room there is an array of tables spread across the room with different