Examples Of Presidential Policies During The Cold War

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Presidential Policies during the Cold War

Have you ever wondered about the Cold War or want to learn more about it? According to Ed. Ayers in his book American Anthem a time of high tension and bitter rivalry known between the U.S and Soviet Union following the end of World War II. During the crisis of the Cold War, President Truman and President Eisenhower came up with a policy called containment, while President Kennedy had followed a policy called flexible response. A lot of the Cold War could be considered brinkmanship. Brinkmanship is a strategy that involves countries almost going to war without actually going to war (Ayers R92).

The Cold War affected many presidents for an example president Truman's Presidential policy. According …show more content…

Flexible response is a response strategy to nuclear tensions that involved strengthening conventional U.S forces so the nation would have options other than nuclear weapons times of crisis. Citizens were having certain problems during this era. Some people believed that the only options is total war and others think that we should just give the other countries what they want (Kennedy). The people need to realize that you can use both and that negotiation and force are not mutually exclusive (Kennedy). The world has many problems and some how the U.S gets involved a lot of the time. But there can’t be an American solution to every world problem because our population is only 6% of the worlds population; we are not all powerful or all knowing (Kennedy). Since America can’t solve everyone's problems and not everyone can be satisfied there is a lot of frustration. Many citizens are choosing either appeasement or conflict to solve their problems (Kennedy). People need to realize that there are more choices out there for them to choose, they need to be more adaptable. The politics, economics and industry of the world stage have changed, which requires us to use new policies and ideas (Kennedy). By being adaptable Kennedy can use various combinations of appeasement, negotiation,force and threat (Kennedy). But we need to be careful on what we do and how it is done. If the only thing