Examples Of Pride In The Odyssey

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Both Odysseus and I have shown pride. In The Odyssey, Odysseus and his men are going to fight in the Trojan War. Odysseus found a way to win the war. He and his men built a horse and Odysseus told his men to hide in the horse late at night. The next morning two of Odysseus’ men went to go talk to the Trojan’s leader. Telling the leader that they were done and they have given up. The men came out of the horse and killed all the Trojan men. That next morning Odysseus went on a rock and screamed, “I Odysseus have defeated the Trojan War!” A second example of his pride being shown is when he comes home from his twenty year journey. He dresses as a beggar to see if Penelope still if she’s still in love with him. Penelope doesn’t want anyone else