Shame In The Odyssey

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We came up with the conclusion of Jesus assuming that the centurion is challenging his honor by sending the Jewish elders instead of going to Jesus himself for assistance. In a broker client relationship there is not mediated between the two by having the elders mediated implies that he wants to shame Jesus publicly. The centurion sees Jesus as broker between him and god so by publicly challenging him ensure that if the servant was not healed, people’s doubt about Gods power will continue. To answer the second question we believe that there is honor challenged between clients, brokers and patrons when favors are asked this is proven when Malina and Rohrbaugh state that by “Giving a gift is a positive challenge and requires reciprocation in kind (Kindle Location 1185).” …show more content…

Honor is believed to be a male virtue. If it is positive shame your inquiring about it is corresponding with female virtue, which is concerned about one’s own reputation that would bring shame. Negative shame is a person that is shamed which in turn means loses honor publicly. I don’t think shame is involved in the all patron-broker-client relations; however, the type shame the centurion is displaying is positive shame because he is concerned about his reputation instead of honor "a Jew who came under a Gentile's roof would risk defilement" (note to 7.6) and because of that he does not think himself worthy to address or invite Jesus into his home. This positive shame that the centurion displayed shows even though he is Gentile he approaches with Jesus in submissive trust, faith. In this passage trusting authority and words of Jesus shows

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