Examples Of Propaganda In Fahrenheit 451

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Humans all grow up differently depending on their environment and the way they are disciplined. Whether it’s one's parents, society or culture everyone is exposed and taught to follow certain rules and believe ideas deemed to be fundamental and essential to know in life. Yet it isn’t so assertive if these concepts, stuck in one’s head, are morally right or legitimate reasonable. Neither is it so positive if people aren’t giving enough information that are needed in life. In Fahrenheit 452 this is an issue Guy Montag realizes in the dystopian society he lives in. Surrounded by book defiling propaganda, Montag starts to question the law and wants to know for himself what books have in them. He finds out how there is something special about them …show more content…

Montag began to have a desire in changing the society and alarm others about the inconspicuous harm being done. But this, he understood would be a very challenging task since the people were single minded and only held regard in the words of the government. The citizens were vaguely taught just enough to know the basics. With the limitations of knowledge provided by society, the citizens of f451 have become ignorant. These strict boundaries had made Montag’s wife, Mildred only believe the government and their decision. It was hard for her just like others to see past the truth of the disaster being made to the community. When Montag had come back from a traumatizing experience from work, he had explained to Mildred about the incident. A women who’s house contained books was caught by the authority and so firemen came to burn her house. Unlike the usual encounterments, this woman chose to stay with her books in the house and burn along with them. Even after they tried to convince her to leave the …show more content…

Bowels from what reality is like. When Montag began to read to a book a poetry to Mildred’s friends one of the women began to cry listening to the words. The women got very defensive and commanded him to stop reading. They started to accuse him of harm and scold him for his actions as Bowles says “Silly words. Silly Words. Silly awful words. Why do people want to hurt people? Not enough hurt in the world you got to tease people with stuff like that”(97). This quotes infers how society has taken away a natural part of humans. They are ignorant to feelings and being hurt which is a common sensibility people have. Being hurt usually being an often emotion that people have shows how reality is being hidden from their environment and knowledge. Mrs. Bowles states how these words were offensive and abhorrent yet they were really just describing a scene. Living in a community where deep and intellectual thought never encountered citizens the women were definitely shocked to hear this “foreign” language when it really was their own. Controlling their education affected the citizens like Mrs.Bowles thoughts to have negative conceptions of