
Examples Of Racism In Harlem

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Reading about both of these authors talks about racism in different ways. It’s interesting how they were both based in Harlem. Poems to me are fascinating because it helps me imagine the situation and to understand what it’s supposed to be about. The poems are sad because african american people are putting themselves down when they actually shouldn't be. Many of these negroes are really good poetics, but the whites are criticizing them. I wonder why the whites are like this to the blacks because the blacks haven't done anything bad to them. It’s devastating to see how people find them as racial artists, people should find blacks as normal human beings who loves to show their writings to people. For my opinion it shouldn't matter what others think of them because at the end of the day they …show more content…

Many people in their past go through a lot of difficulties that's why it would be nice to respect one another. The whites are always criticizing the blacks, this is why racism so powerful and has no stop to it. The fact that the negroes are afraid and want to be a white poetics is a hard stage to go through from feeling this way. Everyone should have respect for each other and not cause racism to happen because everywhere you go will be many different types of race. I’m just glad a group of black people wanted to make a change. It’s always good to make changes to make society in peace. People need to be heard, understand where they're coming from, and feeling accomplished. It made me feel happy how they wrote their stories about where they came from, having no shame, and trying to feel free of happiness. In this society racism hasn’t changed, people are still fighting so people can stop judging others from the way people look. The ending of the story talks about how negro artists expressed themselves, I wonder what happened and if any changes has

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