Examples Of Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird
Do you think racism is fair? In to Kill a Mockingbird some people are overpowered by others because of their race. They are treated unfairly because of their race.In to kill a Mockingbird racism is everywhere and people suffer because of their race. The race you are can determine whether you fail in life or prevail. Racism is unfair and this is shown in court, when Tom Robinson goes against the word of Mr. Ewell. Tom Robinson loses even though there is enough evidence to prove Mr. Ewell wrong.

Racism is shown to be a problem in the timeline scout and her family are living in.To show example, Lula said, “You ain't got no business bringin’ white chillun here”(Lee, 136). This shows that Lula does not like white people and shows a display of hate towards them with the use of the words white chillun. This also shows that because of her hate towards white people she does not like them coming to the church. To sequence, Mrs.Dubose says “Your father’s no better than the niggers and trash he works for”(Lee, 117). This shows that she is looking down upon black people. When she says Atticus is no …show more content…

For better understanding, Jem said mix people don’t belong anywhere because black people don’t want them and “white folks won’t have ‘em ‘cause they’re colored”(Lee, 183). This shows that mix people are not accepted by any of the two races because the have both white and black in them. White people don’t want them and neither do black people. To sequence, scout had said Mayalla would be lonely because she lived a life like a mixed so “Negroes wouldn’t have anything to do with her because she is white”(Lee, 218). White people would also not want her since she lived among pigs. This shows that because Mayella's life is like a mixed person, she has no friends, making her lonely. In To Kill A Mockingbird, it is not only hard for black people but also hard for mixed