Tom Robinson's Trial Quotes

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In Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ racism is a major issue seen in the everyday life in Maycomb, Alabama, which shapes the characters. The main part of the story is Tom Robinson’s trial. He is on trial for sexually assaulting a white woman. This is important to the story as it is a clear example of racism and its effects on society as Tom is misjudged. The story follows the experiences of the Finch family and shows the effects of racism on the younger members as they grow up and are exposed to the reality of life. Lee’s book isn’t just a story about racism, it’s an exploration of its effects on individuals and the community. The book shows the impact of racism on society, the justice system and the town itself. The book focuses on racism …show more content…

Mayella is part of the family lowest in the Maycomb social hierarchy. "White people wouldn't have anything to do with her because she lived among pigs; negros wouldn't have anything to do with her because she has white" (pg.256) this quote shows how she is rejected by both colours. White people don’t want anything to do with her because she’s poor. Coloured people won’t talk to her because she’s white. This shows how race and social status keep the town apart. Lee’s book looks at racism within the justice system. The trial of Tom Robinson, a coloured man accused of raping Mayella Ewell, a white woman, exposes the deep-seeded prejudice and injustice within Maycomb's legal system. Despite overwhelming evidence of Tom's innocence, Tom is convicted because of his race. Looking at the first quote “All the little man on the witness stand had that made him any better than his nearest neighbours was that, if scrubbed with lye soap in very hot water, his skin was white.” (pg.229) it is talking about Bob Ewell. the phrase ‘scrubbed with lye soap in very hot water, his skin was white.’ is about how whiteness is considered clean …show more content…

Coloured members of Maycomb were segregated into a different section during Tom’s trial, denied equal access to education and employment options. The coloured members of the town are subjected to derogatory language and stereotypes. “The thing about it is, our kind of folks don’t like the Cunninghams, the Cunninghams don’t like the Ewells, and the Ewells hate and despise the coloured folks.” (pg.249) it’s about the social hierarchy in Maycomb. Talking about how the Ewell family, the lowest class of white people, despise coloured people even though the family is considered to be white trash. The second quote is "Atticus, he was real nice." Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them." (pg.281) is said by Atticus Finch, who is seen as a moral compass and a symbol of integrity. The quote is about the prejudices existing in society. Atticus implies that often people reveal their true nature after you know them beyond the surface. Suggesting that a person can be kind when given the chance, but due to prejudice, unfair judgements can be made. The book is a prime example of racism in society and highlights the impact that racial prejudice has on the social