
Examples Of Rebellion In Antigone

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Respect vs. Rebellion Rebellion is directly defying an order or law to make some sort of statement, what causes this act of rebellion to be justifiable or not is the reasoning behind it. In “Sophocles’ Antigone” Antigone buries her brother in an act or genuine love for him, but this act is taken by Creon as civil disobedience. Creon states that Antigone’s brother is to not be buried. Although she directly disobeyed Creon, Antigone did so without malice and only with love and was following her religious duties ensuring her brother’s safe passage into the afterlife. Antigone does not falter, even when she is told that she will be sentenced to death for her actions. She holds her ground and doesn’t give up, this might be considered stubbornness or idiocy (Which is how Creon takes her defiance,) but it is really just her expressing her devotion and how much caring she holds for her brother along what she is willing to sacrifice for her family. …show more content…

Antigone is very loyal to her family so it wouldn’t make much sense for her to disobey specific rules just to get on Creon’s bad side. “Reverence is a virtue, but strength lives in established law that must prevail.” (“Sophocles’ Antigone” 754) This means that Antigones’ strength comes from her knowing that what she is doing is right, or in her opinion lawful. Similar to her helping her brother into the afterlife, she is ensuring that religious prevails. Just like in modern times, protesters’ goals aren’t always to harm or annoy; they are generally to make; change or state one’s opinion . . . to ensure justice for

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