Economic Polarization

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Discussion on Economic Developments and Regional Polarization How did economic developments amplify the regional polarization between the North and South? The south and the North of the US before the civil war were two different parts in the same country. The country experienced social and economic polarization that was from the inequalities between the two regions of the country. The differences started immediately after the industrial revolution. The revolution challenges between the two parts were payment of taxes and slavery this brought inequalities in the country and as the time went on the North grew in population and economically while the South lagged behind (Clawson, 1980). Before the civil war the North owned 75% f farm acreage, 71% of the rail road, 75%, 91% of factory production and 71% of the total population. This made the country to be divided into two because of sectionalism. This made the south to develop a need for freedom and secession from the north. Clawson (1980) argues that the American economy by the time being an agricultural state the slaves were used to work in agriculture farms which were more in the south. The north ended slavery, started running an industrialized region, and as the farms in the North were producing more and prosperous. The developments of …show more content…

The Union developed several strategies to win the war which focused on further economic polarization of the south. The first strategy was the anaconda strategy which will ensure little bloodshed in the war. Using this strategy, the union blocked all the main ports that the confederate economy relied on. The south relied so much on trade thus anaconda strategy led to blockage of all ports where the ships could not get insurance making the south to export little cotton (Ralph, 2003). The blockage weapon ruined the economy of the south making the cotton crop they were growing