
Examples Of Slurs In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Have you or anyone you care for been Judged for yours or their appearance or race? In this book to kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee, some of the characters were treated badly, and called slurs for their race and appearance. They are treated negatively without knowing them personally, or their personalities. You would think that someone being judged off of their first appearances would be obvious not to judge. In this book, the N word slur was often used to describe those of color, mainly by the whites. I feel that this shows how big racism was back then that these slurs were used a lot more.

To kill a mockingbird relates To how the development of racism still till this day is a big thing in our country. One of the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird was named Tom Robinson, and he was accused of crimes of assaulting a white woman. Many judges, and people wanted to put him in jail mainly because they felt that he truly did do it, and did not want to take the consideration of it being someone else or not being true at all. A white lawyer named …show more content…

Till this day, racism is still a big thing, but due to Many expressing their feelings towards these racial slurs I feel that it has calmed down a little bit. Reading this book truly has had an impact, especially to see that the story is told from the perspective of a six year old child named scout. This book to kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee gives such a grand message to the readers about How not to make Assumptions About people because of their actions or the words, or the way they do things. Atticus Finch truly believes in helping those in need he's helped farmers and they've gifted him fruits and vegetables. This shows if people truly try to accept people for who they are in the race that they are, we can live in peace with each

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