Examples Of Social Darwinism In America

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America on the world stage Imperialism, the policy by which strong nations extend their political, military, and economic control over weaker territories.
One reason why European nations and Japan rushed to grab colonies was the desire for raw materials and natural resources. These colonial economies were examples of extractive economies.
To expand and protect their interests around the world, nations built up their military strength.
Social Darwinism, the belief that life consists of competitive struggles in which only the fittest survive. Social Darwinists felt that certain nations and races were superior to others and therefore were destined to rule over inferior peoples and cultures.
One reason that these Americans embraced Social Darwinism was that they had long believed that God had granted them the right and responsibility to settle the frontier.

America begins to expand

Commodore Matthew Perry sailed a fleet of American warships into present-day …show more content…

She abolished the constitution that had given political power to the white minority.
With the backing of U.S. officials, the American planters responded quickly and forcefully. In 1893, they overthrew the queen. John Stevens, U.S. minister to Hawaii, ordered United States Marines to help the rebels seize power. The new government, led by influential lawyer Sanford B. Dole, asked President Benjamin Harrison to annex Hawaii to the United States.
The United States Annexes Hawaii After Liluokalani's overthrow, President Harrison signed the treaty of annexation but could not get the required Senate approval before Grover Cleveland became President. Cleveland ordered a full investigation, which revealed that the majority of the Hawaiian people did not approve of the treaty. Cleveland refused to sign the agreement and apologized for the “flagrant wrong” done by the “reprehensible conduct of the American