Examples Of Socio-Cultural Environment

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Definition of Socio-cultural Environment :
“A set of beliefs, customs, practices and behavior that exists within a population. International companies often include an examination of the socio-cultural environment prior to entering their target markets” (www.businessdictionary.com)
The airline industry has contributed lots to the international community by serving convenience, comfort and safety to whoever seeking to travel for various reasons that either includes travelling for business purposes, leisure purposes, trivial adventure purposes or merely because they need to be somewhere as soon as possible.
According to a report, the demand for air travels has significantly increased over the years, coming from all parts of the world. It also states that millennials spend 13% more than non-millennials per airline ticket. This indicates the change in travel preferences among the latest generation or, also known as, the Generation Y (millennials generation), which are the people who are born in between 1980-1999 and consists of 16-34 year olds. (www.marketrealist.com)
The emergence of this generation as a consumer has resulted in major social changes, especially in terms of service where they turn out to be much more demanding. In here, the demographic factor plays the part in forecasting the demands and for instance, in the U.S., given the present circumstances, it is predicted that the expansion of millennial generation will