Examples Of Suspense In And Then There Were None

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Agatha Christie builds suspense alot in her book And Then There Were None, but one of the best ways would be the characters and how you watch them lose their minds. After Rogers is murdered, Vera, while standing in the yard, cries out in a high shrill voice, shaken with wild bursts of laughter (Christie 189). When Vera did that it freaked everybody out, then they wanted breakfast, like how could you eat after seeing Rogers and his head split open. After she cried out Wargrave thought “The sane well-balanced girl had gone mad before their eyes” (Christie 189). Then some time After all that a couple other people died so there were just five so they definitely were nervous or whatever, and when they sat in the room together it was so awkward …show more content…

Third off, the last and final way that Agatha built suspense was through foreshadowing disastrous events. One example she used was the china figures, because in the beginning there were 10 people as there were china figures. Then when Anthony Martson died a china figure disappeared but no one noticed till the next person died and another china figure vanished, and it was Mr Rogers realized this was going on. So they all really got creeped out and that will continue to happen until There Are None (Christie 108). Furthermore she continues to build suspense in the story. ¨The man who brought us out yesterday seemed like a dependable sort of person. It is really very odd that he should be so late this morning¨ (Christie 109). This makes them uneasy because they knew that he was the only one to know they were on the island and made them nervous as the days went on cause he never does show up that night or ever… Last and final way she built suspense was the nursery rhyme, because at the top of everyone's ceiling in their room above their bed was the nursery rhyme. And you would not think much of it until someone dies from a bee sting and there is a quote in the nursery rhyme about a bee sting. So that definitely messed with them a little bit, and made them more on edge also alert