Symbolic Interaction Perspective In Sociology

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Symbolic interaction perspective also known as symbolic interactionism is the most important basic conceptional structure of sociological theory and it depends on meanings which are symbolic that individuals establish and rely on in the process of social interaction (Crossman, 2015:1). Even though this perspective originates from the statement that was made by Max Weber that people act based on the interpretation of the meaning of their world, this perspective was introduced to the American Sociology in the 1920s by an American philosopher George Herbert Mead (Crossman, 2015:1). This theory or perspective is used or it can be used to analyze or figure out societies by focusing on behaviours of people.
According to Crossman (2015:1) it is believed that individuals behave or act based on what they believe and not on what is objectively true and this is the reason that subjective meanings are given dominance. For this reason society is believed to be built socially through interaction between or amongst human beings. People interpret each other’s behaviours and these interpretations cause the social bond that is between individuals.
Based on the statement made by Crossman (2015:1) that individuals act or behave based on what they believe and not on what is true, people can agree with this statement when referring to the #fees must fall campaign that took …show more content…

After the students interpreted their fellow student’s behaviour, they joined them and this showed the government and the country at large that the students are standing together with the same objective. This shows that the students bonded during this campaign regardless of the fact that they are from different institutions and also pursuing different fields of study. The #fees must fall campaign is the best example of symbolic interaction perspective because it applies well with the content of this