Symbolic Interaction Theory In Social Work

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INTRODUCTION This is a key framework of sociological theory. It depend on symbols and their meaning. The words we use to describe our behaviour and the behaviour of others is very important. To elaborate further and get into detail about this theory, firstly the theory and key terms have to be defined, secondly the major proponents and tenets, thirdly the history of the theory, fourthly the purpose of the theory, fifthly the significance of the theory for social work practice, followed by the epistemology, consistency with social work values and ethics, implication of the theory, position of the theory on the population served by the social worker, strength and weakness, relevance of Intersectionality, critical perspective on contemporary issues …show more content…

It is believed people behave in a way they believe, whether it is objectively true or not. For example in our culture, when a husband passes away a woman is expected to wear black clothes that would symbol their mourning, if a woman does not adhere to that it is believed they bring badluck to their lives. The clothes the woman wears are a symbol and has meaning that had been imposed on …show more content…

This is as to how the social worker and the population interact. It involves the people making sense in their interaction. This theory enables the social worker to study the behaviour of the people he or she is involved with. This is demostrated on her role as a consellor and educator. The community has symbols that creates meaning, also contributing to their identification, because of those symbols a social worker get to be able to work with clients. STRENGTH The relationship between meaning of symbols and a person’s behavior, this theory provides a bond between how an individual behaves is related to the meaning of objects and events. Provides the ability to understand small scale human interaction, it enables the understanding of family interaction. Recognizes that beliefs and opinions of reality are changeable, the belief people have on something can actually change and become part of reality. Considers the social environment in which learning takes place. Sees people as active, creative participants who construct their social world, not as passive, conforming objects of socialization (Blumer