When looking at Symbolic Interaction Theory, we cover these aspects of this theory: - (1) Differential Association Theory, (2) Labeling Theory and how it relates to deviance.
Differential Association Theory
Edwin Sutherland (1939; et al 1992) posits that we learn deviant behavior through our interaction with others. The Differential Association Theory (DAT) deals with learned behavior. The relationships we form are very important in determining if we demonstrate deviant behaviors or not; and because we are continuously exposed to the behaviors of those we interact with, we then take on such behaviors and mannerism e.g. upon residing in the United States of America I quickly realized that a lot of Christians sang and danced to secular music,
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When we have convinced ourselves of a thought and it becomes our reality we have a self-fulfilling prophecy. Coined by Robert Merton in his 1948 article of the same name, was derived from the so-called Thomas theorem, formulated by sociologist W. I. Thomas in 1928, which held that “if men define situations as real. They are real in their consequences.” Merton argued that the self-fulfilling prophecy was be used to explain some racial and ethnic issues in the United States, and subsequent research has borne him out. For example, Elijah Anderson’s Streetwise (1960) details how the police and community perceive black male inner-city teenagers as a criminal element, with the result that they are more likely to be arrested than other teenagers, and citizens are also more likely to report black males for crimes. This cloud of suspicion that surrounds black urban teens require s them to defend their innocence in situations that other teens can negotiate with little or no difficulty. Young black males are also more likely to be incarcerated, which feeds the public image of …show more content…
Stereotype Promise- Stereotype assessment research that has maintained the tradition of the classic Princeton Trilogy studies continues to identify positive stereotypic beliefs about African Americans (Devine & Elliot, 1995; Gaertner & Dovidio, 1986; Gilbert, 1951; Karlins et al., 1969, Katz & Braly, 1933; Madon et al., 2001). Consistent across all these studies is the perception that Blacks are very musical and rhythmic. The historical roots of this stereotype can be traced from antebellum images of Black slaves singing in cotton fields, to minstrel shows and lively Black church choirs, to popular images of current Black rap artists. Indeed, in the two most recent studies, Devine and Elliot (1995) and Madon et al. (2001) found that traits related to music (e.g., musical, sing and dance well, rhythmic, listen to a lot of music) were consistently among the most endorsed stereotypes of