Examples Of Syntax In Anthem

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Ayn Rand used literary devices like symbolism, syntax, and figurative language to put individualism in a new light. These literary devices put together many ideas to create one big idea and share her opinion on individualism. The symbolism in this story conveys the importance of individual strength and rebellion. She uses syntax to challenge others' previous thoughts about the subject by using direct and short sentences. This is also seen in her use of figurative language by highlighting the strength equality gains from his experiences. One literary device used in Anthem is symbolism. The first example of this is when Equality explains names. “Our name is Equality 7-2521 as it is written on the iron bracelet which all men wear on their left wrist …show more content…

The second literary device is syntax. Syntax is word order and word choice. Equality said this to himself after creating light. “We [I] am alone. Our [my] hands are. Our [my] mind is a snare. Ours [mine] alone and only” (59) The syntax of this quote is the short sentences and periods breaking this statement up. This is done to show the simpleness of the thinking in their community and overall hint at the idea that they don't know much at all. This is the first time equality thinks of something done by only himself and not as a group and it was very eye opening. Another example of syntax in Anthem is when Equality refers to himself as we. “We are one in all in one, there are no men but only the great we, one invisible and forever” (19) Equality refers to himself as we throughout the book but this specific quote is important because it is their chant. The last literary device is figurative language. There is a lot of figurative language in this book, and it all has a