
Examples Of Technological Advancement During Ww1

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Technological Advancements During WW1
World War One was no doubt one of the most brutal wars in human history. It was also one of the most innovative. Because so many wealthy nations were so hell-bent on winning, they were willing to pour a seemingly limitless stream of funds into the war, leading to a large amount of military research. This, in turn, lead to a multitude of technological advancements, solely for the war. This informative list will cover some of the most important technical advancements that held large wars in World War One.
The tank is most definitely the most important item invented during WW1. During trench warfare, both sides were usually locked in place, with limited advancements from either side. If troops dared leave …show more content…

Before the war began, Germany had the largest chemical industry in the world, and during the war, used this to their advantage to make numerous poison gasses, and would launch them in artillery shells deep into Allied trenches, causing chaos and death. The Allies soon followed suit, and began developing their own poison gasses. The stalemate continued, but things were much more dangerous on the battlefield now. Constant gas attacks took place on both sides, killing around 1,000,000 in total. Gas, however, did not have a large effect on the war, and fighting continued as …show more content…

Ablet to fire well into enemy trenches from the safety of their own, artillery played a major role in WW1. Poison gas canisters were later added into artillery rounds, making them a force to be reckoned with. Artillery was later modified to be able to shoot down planes, making it the ultimate WW1 defence weapon. Artillery was used in WW1 more than any other war, and it is easy to see why. Able to shoot faster than ever before, artillery could take out entire battalions of men with ease, and was able to blast open weaker bunkers, leaving areas open for the taking. Artillery also helped the Allies with an eventual victory, as the Germans were no match for the thousands of explosive allied artillery rounds that rained down upon them, leading to a German

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