Technological Advances During Ww1

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Technology throughout the years has been dramatically advancing due to the encounters that countries have faced during war. This can be seen during WW1 in where many technological advancements had to be made for countries to claim their victories against its combatants. Weapons and other developments that were made during this time period of the war, have drastically changed warfare tactics and the medical field. Tanks, Machine Guns, and Chemical Warfare were only a few of the technological advancements that were made during WW1 for the efficiency of combat. These pieces of artillery brought severely pain, injuries and death to its enemies, bringing the victory to its manipulators. Also during WW1, a revolutionary advancement that was developed …show more content…

Chemical Warfare or poison, was one of the most creative advancements that no one expected to be created. Poison gas attacks consisted of “...highly explosive shells that could smash and kill… some shells were filled with deadly phosgene compound...” (Cavendish, 407). This was a lethal strategy that was first use by the Germans when fighting against the British. When a shell of poison was dropped into trenches, many soldiers did not notice until, they were already suffering the conditions and by the time they took action“the chemicals [were already] carried by the wind into nearby enemy lines” (McLean ). This advancement of technology during WW1 was a huge deal because it change warfare tactics forever. Also, it cause deadly effects on the enemy leading them to their deaths. With this German advancement developed through WW1, “soldiers did not fight as well with the poisonous gas”( McLean). Meaning that as the war went on, chemical warfare advanced taking by surprise many soldiers in trenches. An example can be the mustard gas. This gas was also developed thanks to WW1, taking enemies by surprise since you couldn't see it. Therefore, with this advance that was developed due to WW1, chemical warfare, changed forever soldiers tactics into defending what was theirs and was one of the “most physiological weapon of the war”(